Thursday, January 15, 2009

First Look : G.I. Joe Mighty Muggs Serpentor

Here's an update to our report from yesterday from the pages of Toyfare magazine #139 and as promised, here's your first look at G.I. Joe Mighty Muggs Serpentor!

There's a great article in magazine covering Hasbro's plan for G.I. Joe for 2009 with Hasbro's global brand marketing director Michael Ritchie and here are some interesting tidbits concerning Mighty Muggs:

Toyfare: What can we expect from Mighty Muggs this year?

Ritchie: For Mighty Muggs we are going to be launching in the Springtime as we've announced , and we have plans to do most of the major characters that fans will want to collect.

Toyfare: Does the Joe team work on the Joe Mighty Muggs or is there a separate team at Hasbro that works on these styles across all licenses?

Ritchie: It's sort of a collaboration within Hasbro. Our Joe team works on everything that's Joe whether it's Mighty Muggs or Combat Heroes or puzzles or games in different isles of the store. And then you have another team who focuses on Mighty Muggs just to make sure there is consistency across the brand. Between the marketers and the designers who work on the Mighty Muggs brand as well the G.I. Joe brand we work together to make sure we've got that right expression.

Pick up a copy of Toyfare at a comic Shop near you for the full article as well as the lowdown on the G.I. Joe movie!